Sunday, December 4, 2016

Holiday Stress Got The Better of You? Try this!

My favorite Pose for Stress Relief:
Viparita Karani/Legs Up The Wall

We all know that we need to slow down and take care of ourselves. We are too busy balancing a myriad of things including jobs, families, kids, school, household chores, and the list goes on and on. The holiday season seems to bring even more stress into our lives - whether you love the season or hate it. 

This is the time, more than ever, that we need to take care of ourselves. You don't have to practice an hour of yoga every day to reap the benefits. Even a few minutes a day of relaxing and breathing can have a big impact on reducing anxiety.

I have a favorite restorative pose that I try to do every day and it never fails to bring my anxiety and stress down. This simple yet extremely beneficial pose is known as Legs Up the Wall or Viparita Karani.

My yoga teacher from teacher training told us that if there's only one pose to do every day, this is it! The benefits are endless - this will ease almost every ailment you can think of from headaches, anxiety, insomnia, to high or low blood pressure.

If this pose isn't comfortable for you, a great modification is put your legs up a chair instead.

For more information on how to safely come in and out of the pose, contraindications, modifications and benefits, please go to this link:

Happy Stress-free Holidays to all!