Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I Hit Rock Bottom

I hit rock bottom.
Years of pushing, overgiving, overworking and overdoing- always feeling like I had to 'take care' of everything and everyone had me living in a constant state of panic, anxiety and exhaustion.
I was living out of alignment, pushing too hard, and not enjoying the little things in life.
I was depleted; giving all I had in my job, and to everyone BUT myself- putting everyone else's needs before mine.
I thought this was the only way to live. I didn't value myself enough to understand that I was destroying myself physically, mentally and emotionally.
Despite trying to control everything around me, I felt out of control.
I felt like I was going crazy and losing my mind. 😱
I felt like I wasn't even connected to my body at all.
I was afraid if I stopped, even for a minute to tune in with myself that everything would fall apart.
Aren't we supposed to push and work hard all the time?
Isn't that what we're taught?
I finally had enough of living this way! I was missing out on precious moments with my kids and husband. I was miserable and exhausted.

⭐️ I desperately wanted to feel connected to my body again.
⭐️ I desperately wanted to enjoy my relationships with my family.
⭐️ I desperately wanted to learn how to LET GO, SURRENDER and RECEIVE.

See, I was living in a mis-guided belief that I HAD to do it all.
When I learned how to LET GO and TRUST my own feminine intuition and power, everything changed.
To my surprise the world didn't fall apart when I stopped trying to control every little thing! 😁

🔥 My need to control everything around me all the time.
🔥My need to be busy every single second of the day.
🔥My habit of overgiving, overdoing, and overworking.
🔥Putting everyone else first and myself last.

🌹My sanity!
🌹My relationships with my family deepened and were more fulling and joyful!
🌹I felt alive and connected to my body again!
🌹I got my energy back and enjoyed the little things again!

I learned out to trust in the universe and my own intuition that EVERYTHING IS OK!
You deserve that too!
You are a Divine Woman - you don't realize how powerful you are.
You don't realize that once you surrender and let go and TUNE IN to your spirit, your breath, your body that you can do and be anything.
Life is meant to be enjoyed!
It's your f***ing birthright to BE HAPPY!
I know it's scary to think there's another way, when you've been conditioned for so long. But life is too short to keep going like this.

This is a sacred invitation to say YES to yourself and ditch the stress, the drama, the grind, the pushing....
🔥 The time is NOW!! PM me below to find out about my divine 30 day immersion starting January 28th!
🔥10 spots for 10 divine women who are ready to learn how to RISE into their feminine power & intuition by letting go and surrendering. Learn how to ignite your own flame, gorgeous one!
Hurry! These spots will fill up fast!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Why work with me? Who am I & what do I stand for?

Why work with me? Who am I & what do I stand for?

 I am a Mom of two kids (14 & 12), a professional, a wife, a yoga teacher, an entrepreuner, a friend, a supporter, a mentor and much more who deeply understands the struggles we working moms face.

 I stand for women standing in their true power, rising out of the pain of their stress, anxiety, and exhaustion and tap into their divinity!

I know that stumbling through life on your own is tough, and it's so much easier with support. Just hearing what you 'should' do isn't enough.
You know what I mean - when you talk to other people about being stressed or anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed, the advice is often
do yoga, meditate, and exercise, etc. Well, easier said than done, right? Maybe you don't have time, or you know you need much more help than a class here and there.

Having one on one support is HUGE! We all need that - someone to guide us, to cheer us on, to celebrate our success! Sometimes it's too much to do on your own.

I'm looking for 10 amazingly divine women to join my 30 day immersion program later this month! It will be epic!!

💜 Imagine learning the juiciest, yummiest kind of gentle, soft yoga (this is NOT your typical yoga class) that leaves you loving your body again as dissolving all that built up tension and tightness!

💜 Imagine exploring your breath on a deep level and increasing your energy level soars and you ignite your mojo again!

💜Imagine learning how to manage those negative thoughts and changing your mindset so your outlook on life is optimistic and joyful again!

And so much more... Email me at  to schedule a heart to heart to see if we're a match made in heaven! (no hard core sales pitch, I promise!)

Here is a testimonial from one of my long-time clients!

I first met Kristin when I walked into her yoga class after not taking a yoga class in a couple of years. I was stressed out and my body felt way older than it actually was — I was a mess. I had taken yoga classes at the Y and other places around town because it was easy to drop the kids and go, but none of the instructors in those classes seemed to understand my needs — the mom who had given birth to two kids, put on a little weight, and who definitely wasn’t a spring chicken anymore. They were all about pushing and taking things just a little bit further and every time I would end up injured, frustrated, and lost in this world of exercise and fitness.

Out of desperation, I signed up for a “gentle” yoga class at a studio I had never been to before. From the first second I stepped into Kristin’s class, I knew it was different — I knew SHE was different. She was kind, funny, and so very real. She started her class by making a connection with each student, asking about where each student was not only with their body but also with their mind.

That one class turned into a weekly thing and then suddenly I had been taking her class for months and that turned into years. When life gets hard — the kids are out of control, the spouse is driving me nuts, my mind is in turmoil, I go to Kristin. She helps me remember to breathe, she guides me through meditation (her tree of life meditation is the absolute best!), she teaches me how to take care of my body so I can take care of those around me. To say that taking Kristin’s teachings are life-changing is not an exaggeration; not only did I learn tools to help me navigate this crazy, busy life but also I gained a life-long friend. I cannot recommend Kristin’s mentorship highly enough. - Ila Brook Markely