Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Do You Believe The Lies You Tell Yourself?

Do you believe the lies you tell yourself?

I recently ended a four week immersion with a group of lovely ladies and we studied soft, lush yoga, breathing techniques, and yoga philosophy. Yoga has eight limbs and one of the limbs is called 'Yamas' which are ethical considerations.

The first yama is ahimsa (non-harming, non-violence) which you could really spend a lifetime discussing. In this video, though, I talk about Satya, the second yama, which means truthfulness.

When we are children we believe whatever we're told; we don't know the difference between truth and lies. So if someone tells a child they're stupid, they're fat, they're ugly, they're annoying (or whatever else), the child begins to believe this and it becomes their truth.

Of course, we know these are not truths at all, but someone's opinion about you. However, they BECOME our truth when we believe them.

What are you lying to yourself about? Do you believe that nasty voice in your head that tells you you're not worthy, you're not smart, you're not deserving of happiness or love?

Or do you choose to ignore those voices and re-frame them with the TRUTH, which is you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are smart, you are more than enough. How do you know the difference between the truth and lies of your thoughts?? Easy. The true thoughts are the ones that make you feel juicy, good and sweet. The truth is you are a divine being with more gifts than you realize. The lies are the ones that make you feel like shit.

So what voice will you choose to listen to today? How would you rather feel? You do have a choice.

Click here ( to receive a FREE GIFT from me about the 3 Secrets to Unleashing your Lush Feminine Power!

Sending so much love!

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