Monday, August 15, 2016

Studying the "Yamas" in my A Gentle Way Yoga Group Classes

Studying the ‘Yamas’ in Kristin’s A Gentle Way Yoga (AGW) Group Classes
A 6 week series beginning Sept 1, 2016

We all know yoga makes us feel good and that’s often what gets us to class! Most of us know that yoga involves breathing and movement and is really about linking Body/Mind/Spirit. However, there is a very ancient, rich philosophy of Yoga that could take a lifetime of study.

Ancient yogi, Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras around 200 AD. The core of the Sutras describes an 8-Limb Path that if followed can potentially bring the practitioner to everlasting peace and enlightenment.  It’s important to note that the 8-Limbs are not presented in a hierarchical order; they are meant to be studied and integrated.

Ok, so what is this 8-Limb Path? Well, it includes two limbs that all A Gentle Way yoga students are already familiar with! Asana, the physical postures; and Pranayama, the breathing techniques. Another limb called Pratyahara, control of the senses, is practiced in Gentle, Gentle-Moderate and Restorative Classes when you practice with your eyes closed and focus within. The other limbs include meditation, and ethical codes of conduct. 

So, where am I going with all this?  Well I’m excited to share that I will be doing a 6 week series in all my group classes beginning Sept. 1st on the ‘Yamas’, one of the 8 Limbs. The Yamas are universal morality guidelines to help us on our spiritual path and focus on how we relate to ourselves and others.

Each week we will study one of the 5 Yamas in a short discussion at the beginning of class, and the class will be structured around the Yama. I won’t go into depth here, but the 5 Yamas are: Ahimsa (non-harming/compassion; Satya (commitment to truthfulness); Asteya (non-stealing); Bramacharya (sense control/abstinence); Aparigraha (non-hoarding).  We will study Ahimsa in each of my classes the first week, Satya the second week, etc. The 6th week will be a review/reflection of all five.

Students will get an e-mail from me each week before their class with information about the Yama we will study. I encourage you to come to all six sessions to learn about each Yama. I look forward to sharing and growing with you through our study of the Yamas! 

For my class schedule please visit and look for Kristin!


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